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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Happy Fall!!

So, Labor Day has come and gone. How's that for a rapid end to summer?? This morning I sat on my deck,  in the cool morning breeze and knew I'd be wrecked for work for at least two hours and I was. All I could do was fellowship with God and marvel at the changing seasons--literally and figuratively. God is such a God of seasons.

In this season of life, Rusty and I are looking at two college-age kids--one in college, the other pursuing a fitness certification and serving under his Youth pastor in preparation for future ministry, a third who is driving himself to school every day and holding down a part time job and a junior high boy hot and heavy into football. A big change for this mama. Our first three were all about God, music and drama!! Now we have a bruiser ready to smash some enemies! That's okay! He's probably going to be an intercessor!

My writing is blessed and I'm loving this season being hidden away with God. Writing what He gives me and serving where I'm to serve. I'm finding that it's okay to say "no" to projects, ministry opportunity, speaking engagements, even working in the church. There are seasons for everything. I'm content with where God has me.

I'm excited that Love Finds you in Deadwood, written under my pen name Tracey Cross, is selling really well! Look for it in Walmart and everywhere books are sold (how's that for an advertisement)

Tandem, my second vampire novel for the Christian market, is starting to go out for reviews and we're looking forward to an October release!

Time to get to work!
God Bless you as you live, move and have your being in Him
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